If you have found this blog, you must either be considering starting your own business, or have already done so and are looking for support on your journey. Congratulations! You are in for the ride of your life!
What makes this community different from other groups of women entrepreneurs on the internet? While women who are not of the LDS faith are very much welcomed to participate here, as church members, we sometimes have different views regarding life, success, finances, and the divine nature of women. We make decisions in our lives from personal revelation we receive through daily prayer, scripture study, temple attendance and by living the gospel of Jesus Christ. These cornerstones in our daily living effect the way we approach the development and operation of a new business venture. It is our hope that we have created an environment here that would allow members of the church to support and encourage each other as we strive to create and grow businesses in today's world. As the hymn says, "As sisters in Zion, we'll all work together." (Hymns of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; p.309)
Each of us who gathers here comes from different backgrounds and circumstances. Some are starting a business because of the current economy and personal financial need. Others have an entrepreneurial spirit that can no longer be contained. Still others long for an output for their creative energies. Whatever your reason, welcome to our community! Through future blog posts and our companion website, we hope to share experiences and resources that will encourage each sister to plan for the future and provide for their needs through entrepreneurial endeavors.
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